Today I sent to my poor editor
version 290 of my manuscript (Bound to the Bounty Hunter – working title). This
book has taken four hundred years to write (yes, I am that old) and aged me
ninety years. I’ve really, really struggled with this book. I love the
characters, I love the story, I adore the secondary characters, so…
As I was about to cry, hurl and
call an innocent apple a bad word, I had an epiphany (it was 2 a.m. – it could
have been more of a breakdown). My manuscript was as interesting as a boiled
egg with no seasoning. Nutritionally sound, but kind of bland. Is there a worst
word out there to describe yourself than bland? That was me, writing beige.
I was writing safe. Due to my
children needing straight teeth and an education, moving countries and all the
usual stuff that comes with life, I haven’t written a lot and now I’m in the
position where I can and it terrified me. I wrote my manuscript and sat on it
(not literally, that thing would be flatter than my pavlova’s).
Even the cat is flabbergasted. |
Going back through I was thinking
“This is ok.” Hmmm. Ok. Oh, hell no! I don’t want to write ok. Who wants to
read ok? I know I don’t. The little safety catch was on in my head and if I
want this book to be the best I can make it, I had to flick the safety off and
go for it, which meant putting me on the page wearing high heels, black
stockings and a slinky dress with a dirty martini in my hand. The beige wearing
woman pulling up her socks, straightening her cardigan, holding a cup of
sugarless tea had to go. Sorry, beigey, but you’re out of here. I sat down and
rewrote solidly for four days, looking like something Medusa had hacked up and
not caring. One word? Liberating.
It could be that my editor will
hate it, people will think I need medication (let’s not go there yet), but it’s
me and if I can’t be me, then I’m screwed. So here’s to all of us flicking off
our safety switches and being who we are, not what we think people want to see.
Okay, admittedly I’d love to swap
places with someone for a day and that person would be my yoga instructor,
Carrie who is the most positive, caring, nurturing person I know and forever
corrects my downward dog with a smile.
Is there a person you’d like to
be for a day?