Monday, January 25, 2016

Successfully Ageing? Ummmm No!

Bondi Beach 


Today our greeting comes from Australia who are celebrating their national day today. 

My local paper runs a large advertisement which puzzles me:

'Come and join our Successful Ageing Seminar'

What if you’re not successful? Is there a pass grade? If you fail is it lights out?
Wiki Commons courtesy of Incry

Me?  I'm fighting the ageing process one ‘miracle’ promise at a time.

I have bathroom drawers brimming with products guaranteed to turn back the clock, erase those lines and bring back once luminous skin. (I'm not sure my skin was ever luminous, but I live in hope). I’ll slather that stuff on for a week, a year, as long as it takes. I’ll stare hopefully at those lines imagining them being ironed out. (Honestly, if they made an iron for faces, that sucker would be winging its way to my door).

My clearly clueless wonder husband, sighs heavily when yet another miracle jar sits proudly next to his contribution to the bathroom counter- deodorant.  He asks in a bewildered voice why I bother because to him I’m lovely. Keep those rose colored glasses on Clueless. 

Zipping up and down the aisles of my local pharmacy, I'm struck by the tiny section dedicated to male moisturizers when women have triple-decked shelves dedicated to fighting the first signs of ageing. 

Is it mostly women fighting ageing? Is there a secret men’s club out there? - Clueless assured me there isn’t.  Is it programmed into our genes? Are we influenced by advertising? Are we worried about being replaced? Clueless looked a tad too excited at that thought.

I will keep searching for the ‘Turn Back Time’ miracle cream because hope and luminous skin are fabulous things.

Am I along in my quest? 
Is there such a thing as a miracle cream?
What are your thoughts on ageing?


  1. Hayson

    I have so many moisturizers creams etc and I never remember to put them one of my daughters did Mary Kaye for a while so I have lots of that I have Avon I buy things that sound good and re cheap never use them that is my biggest problem LOL I think I will age gracefully and moisturize when I remember :)

    Have Fun

    1. Helen, thanks for stopping by. You are gorgeous! Like I have so many creams because of the lure of the promise is in the next jar.
