Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Oh the places you'll go

 I love to travel. Being from New Zealand, there’s not much down our part of the world, except Antarctica and Australia. I won’t go to the frozen continent, not because I don’t want to hang out with penguins because I do.
How freaking awesome are penguins? 

 I don’t handle the cold well. When we lived in London, the Fake Gordon Ramsay insisted he would suffocate if he didn’t sleep with the window open. In Winter when it was minus four hundred degrees. Sleeping in a balaclava isn’t sexy. Believe me. I digress, one of my favorite trips was to Tonga. 

Beautiful Tonga
It's exquisitely beautiful. The people were the friendliest ever, and you could see the stars for miles. There's something about a place that doesn't have the internet, newspapers or a radio. Hanging with the kids who didn't want to hang with us was refreshing. And normal. I remember trying to ditch my mum and hang with the cool kids at the beach and pretend she didn't exist. Ah, karma. How I wish I could take that back and have a do-over. 
And how can forget the Tongan flag bearer at the Olympics? 

I know right? 

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