Tuesday, May 3, 2016

New book news!

Today, I cleaned like I was related to Mr. Muscle and I'm bringing home a newborn. I've sprayed, cleaned, set Roomba to whiz around the floors ;) - that little robot and I are beyond besties. Why the cleaning haze? I'm starting a new book. Bound to the Bounty Hunter will be out in the world in July and before I can hit the keyboard the house has to look like Queen Elizabeth is heading my way for tea and cake. Over the course of Bound to her Protector (working title), I won't show Roomba the affection he deserves, but I'm excited to be hitting the keyboard. Do you have any rituals?


  1. Oh WOW I really need to give my house a good clean maybe I should start a ritual so as I get it done I would have to be the worlds worst house keeper. Yay on a new book :)

    Have Fun

    1. Helen, the house looks good for about a day then slowly falls apart, but I'm good to go with it. I hate housework, there should be fairies who come and clean for us. Thanks for the book love. xxxx

  2. I believe you have overlooked the crucial ritual of coming over and cleaning MY house! ;) Good luck on book 2...LOVE the title!

    1. Ha, Samanthe Beck. I shall be right on over... Thanks for the book love. I hope to be like you one day, my dream author...
