Thursday, April 28, 2016

What's in your bag???

I was driving my snazzy car and asked the fake Gordon Ramsay if he could grab my sunglasses from my bag.

He shook his head. “I won’t find them.”

I turned to him (at the red light of course).

“That racehorse that went missing a few years back? Pretty sure it’s in your bag along with my tennis racquet I can’t find and the jar of peanut butter you said I didn’t buy, but I’m pretty sure I did.”

I won’t bore you with what followed, but for all the people who heard us, my apologies. For the record there was no peanut butter in my bag, however, I did empty it out. I don’t think it’s too bad do you?

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thank you!!!!

Thank you to readers, supporters, bloggers, everyone in helping Wife in Name Only feel the love. You are amazing and I am indebted to you all. You are family.  Who's in for a group hug? 

heart emoticon

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Shhhh. Hide these books.

I was chatting with a friend of mine this week about books and I sent her a pic of the bookcase in our lounge. 

She immediately texted back with "You keep your romance books on display?" Hers were hidden in her room. Well yeah, mine are on public display. 

Owning Violet is nestled next to Middlesex, Fake and Murder at the Vicarage. One of the Fifties is hanging with Andre Agassi's Open, The Catcher in the Rye and The Book Thief. It got me thinking, are there books that are your secret guilty pleasure that you keep in your bedroom or are they proudly on display?