I was on my walk around Redondo and I came across this
billboard which made me pause.
You Suck |
I’ve quit on a few things in life. I won’t dwell the list
is loooooong.
I’ve nearly quit on writing about seven million times, but
that’s because the demons in my head tell me I suck. Sometimes I listen.
There are things I will never quit.
I won’t quit telling my grunty-teen that I love him. Even
though he bristles when I do and does a plank when I pull him into a not-wanted
hug. I never told my mom enough and I regret it. I hope some of this will stick
with grunty-teen like World of Warcraft does to him.
I won’t quit the notion that there are more good people
in the world than bad. Though Belgium gives way to a pause. If I quit then they’ve
won. Nope, not on my watch you haven’t.
I won’t quit on forgiving myself for the things in my
past, I can’t fix, the long list I didn’t accomplish today or catastrophes in
my future I can’t foresee, but worry about.
Is there anything you won’t quit?