Wednesday, April 24, 2013

$50.00 iTunes giftcard up for grabs peeps!

Check it out.

To celebrate my baby, Wife in Name Only I'm offering up a $50.00 iTunes gift card. Come and check it out.

Thank you all for entering! We have a winner and she's now trucking some ABBA. Yay

What's your happy music?


Monday, April 8, 2013


I sit here staring at the empty bowl of goldfish crackers (for those not familiar with the tasty morsels they are tiny crackers that come in awesome flavors such as Xplosive Pizza and Nothing Nacho.) They are not supposed to be shoveled into my mouth but the mouths of my children, Sloth 1 and Sloth 2. This got me thinking about what habits I should be changing.

What I eat
Clearly chowing down on crackers in the middle of the afternoon is not good when there’s a perfectly good looking apple with my name on it. If I root around the fridge behind some science experiments that are currently working their way to explosive stage, there should be a stick of wilted celery calling my name. These are all far better alternatives to really tasty crackers.

I promised myself when I set up the shiny, new elliptical that I would use it every day. I battled through the cobwebs on it yesterday and I swear I actually heard it tell me to get off. I wish I was one of those people who got runners high or skipping rope splendor, but I'm not. I'd rather eat my own cooking, and that’s saying something.

Doing something I love every day
I love to read and I used to read all the time, but then I felt guilty about taking the time to do something that wasn’t child, house, husband related. As I get older and crankier, I've decided I'm taking Hayson time to read, every single day. For forty precious minutes I don't care about Sloth Two’s lost shoe that somehow I've lost. I do not hear the groans about ‘not that again for dinner,’ and I ignore the cat who if he doesn't get fed this very second will expire on the spot.

I’m keeping the list to three at present, there’s another forty thousand things I need to work on. But it’s a start.

Do you have any habits you want to break or ones you want to make? I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Release Day

After the longest book pregnancy in the book world,  I'm happy to say that Wife in Name Only or WINO as he is affectionately called is finally here.  Much nerves and excitement at Camp Manning.

Wino's journey (I love that acronym by the way. How could I not love a book called WINO?) has been  filled with tears, heartache, laughter and more angst than both of my children put together.

I have an amazing team that I couldn't do this without. I love all my besties with a fierce mother love.

My mother isn't here to see this day but I know any success I may have she would have contributed directly to her. This one's for you mom.

Happy Birthday WINO.